
Some love to be fooled and some have to try to figure out just how it was done. Either way magic adds sometimes silly fun and sometimes very mysterious interaction with your guests.

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Office: 702.644.4100



Call anytime day or night. If we don't answer do feel free to leave a message as we may be on another line, at an event, or sleeping from the late night fabulous event we worked the night before. We will call you as soon as we get the message and help you with your entertainment needs.

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Welcome to the Magic Capital of the world,
Las Vegas!

On stage magicians can mystify with grand illusions that you have seen on TV. Magicians can also work your event strolling table to table doing Close-Up Magic with cards, coins and other objects. In your trade-show booth they can use your product in presentations that your customers will never forget.

Here at August Entertainment Inc, our CEO’s have created magic effects and consulted for Siegfried and Roy, Criss Angel and many other television performers. Call now and see what we can create for you.

Helpful Hints

When you hire a magician we want you to get your monies worth. So let’s give some thought to the following:
  1. - Save money by not hiring a strolling magician to start when your event starts. Example: if your event starts at 7pm your guests will arrive and want to meet their friends, grab some refreshments and find a place to sit. This is very difficult time for a close-up  magician to stop them and do a card trick. You want them to get settled in. The answer is to have the magician start no earlier than 7:30 PM. Better yet, hire a Juggler/Magician and let him juggle to start with Meet & Greet and then switch off to close-up magic.

  2. - Strolling magic is fun and a great party activity, but when accompanied by a loud band it is very hard for the  magician to speak during their presentations. So that also means that it may be too loud for your guests to engage in conversation. Think about only having the band’s speakers near the dance floor where  loud is part of the fun and let the rest of the room enjoy each others company and our magicians with the music as a background.


Check out the magic Gallery Here