Live Canvas

Let our living canvas bring life to your party theme.

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Office: 702.644.4100



Call anytime day or night. If we don't answer do feel free to leave a message as we may be on another line, at an event, or sleeping from the late night fabulous event we worked the night before. We will call you as soon as we get the message and help you with your entertainment needs.

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Body Painting

It’s OK to stare at this visual display that brings the sexy but classy appeal of Las Vegas to your event.

It’s OK to stare at this visual display that brings the sexy but classy appeal of Las Vegas to your event. Their costumes are not real but painted on  You can request a “Human Petting Zoo” or your company logo. It’s your choice. Our body painter has the skills to create an incredible team of models body painted in any design to match any theme.
Great for photo opportunities!!!   

Helpful Hints

>When you hire a Body painter we want you to get your monies worth. So let’s give some thought to the following:

- We will need a private area to paint the models. Secure this space with your onsite contact at the venue of your event. Please let us know if it is climate controlled so we can bring heaters if need be. A warm model is a happy model.

- Some designs can take two artists up to 6 hours to do one  girl

- Let us know if your group is on the conservative side. It's not a problem, we can put the girls in body suits, bikinis or pasties. its your party and we will work within the limits you give us.

Check out the Body painting Gallery Here