expressiveLet your guests express themselves in a fun and non-permanent way.

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Contact Us Day or Night!
Office: 702.644.4100



Call anytime day or night. If we don't answer do feel free to leave a message as we may be on another line, at an event, or sleeping from the late night fabulous event we worked the night before. We will call you as soon as we get the message and help you with your entertainment needs.

Online Contact Form

Temporary Airbrush Tattoos

Time to roll up your sleeves and get tattooed!Well, not forever, ours wash off in a few day, but that give you plenty of time to fool your friends. We offer over 100 different tattoos to choose from. Each stencil is a single use, disposable stencil. What that means to you is that what  was once on one persons leg is not on your face. Our Tattoo station options vary on what you need. 4 colors or 12, it's up to you. We can even add glitter! More colors means more detail and excitement. 

Ask about having your company logo created as a tattoo.

Helpful Hints

When you hire an Airbrush Tattoo Artist we want you to get your monies worth. So let’s give some thought to the following:
  1. - Access to electricty is required.

    - We will ask if your event has a theme. We have hundreds of costumes to choose from to fit any theme.

    - Let us know in advance if the area you have selected for the tattoo station is dark or well lit.  Our artists do need to see so we can bring lights if needed.

    - Think about color options. We can offer as many as 12 different colors if you like tattoos with extra pizzaz.. Or if you want them done fast then stick with just 4 colors and save money..


Check out the Airbrush tattoo Gallery Here