
Our classic art deco style showgirl costumes are great to match any event even if there is no theme. Your in Las Vegas so hang out with a showgirl!

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Contact Us Day or Night!
Office: 702.644.4100



Call anytime day or night. If we don't answer do feel free to leave a message as we may be on another line, at an event, or sleeping from the late night fabulous event we worked the night before. We will call you as soon as we get the message and help you with your entertsinement needs.

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The Classic Las Vegas Showgirl, always a hit!

Las Vegas showgirls can stroll your party or event posing for photo ops, escort your CEO on stage or even do a singing telegram!  In black and silver to match most party themes, our most popular costumes are mirror images of each other.  What is silver on one is black on the other.

For other options take a peek through our gallery and see our fabulous Balloon Showgirls. Custom made dresses for your event with your logos and color choices.

Helpful Hints

When you hire a showgirl we want you to get your monies worth. So let’s give some thought to the following:

- If you have a small budget you can save money by just having one showgirl for two hours. That way you have someone to meet and greet your guests and no one misses her fabulousness.

- Ask about a photographer or selfie photo booth to shoot and print pics of your guests and the showgirls.

Check out the Showgirl Gallery Here