
Our Jugglers have worked around the world and been on dozens of television shows and are one of the most versatile performers with the ability to juggle just about anything.

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Office: 702.644.4100



Call anytime day or night. If we don't answer do feel free to leave a message as we may be on another line, at an event, or sleeping from the late night fabulous event we worked the night before. We will call you as soon as we get the message and help you with your entertainment needs.

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Because of the versatility, jugglers can be an exciting addition to any event.

At a trade show they can attract attention every hour as they juggle dangerous objects like fire, chainsaws or your product. In strolling they can greet your guests and then be visual atmosphere in a room without interruption of your guests or allow for a fun interactive mingling type of entertainment. Great for satellite stages and breakout sessions too.

Helpful Hints

When you hire a juggler we want you to get your monies worth. So let’s give some thought to the following:
  1. -It is difficult for Strolling jugglers to roam the party iif the room is small and you have lots of guests. People standing elbow to elbow would not allow the juggler to do their thing so he may be limited to just work the outside areas. Don't be surprised to see him juggling and walking circles around the perimeter your party if this is the case.

    - Ask about a combination juggler and magician. A juggler is great visual to Meet & Greet at the entrance to the room when your guests arrive. A magician is limited at that time but is fantastic about an hour into your party once your guests settle in. A juggler/magician can switch as needed and provide two forms of entertainment for the cost of only one.

    - Ask about adding a unicycle. This is a skill many jugglers have but rarely use. Great visual and for laughs as they roll around the room and even dance with your guests on the dance floor.


Check out the Juggling Gallery Here